"I’ve been a paintless-dent-removal vendor for over 6 years, and have seen nearly a dozen touch-up vendors… New Finish Technology has the professional image, quality of work, and integrity that no other [touch up] company has. Their paint work is the best I’ve ever seen, and no other touch up service I’ve seen is even close to the results with New Finish."
"I sold vehicles for nearly 10 years, and never saw a paint chip repair service like the new finish system. Because I was so impressed with the results, I became a licensee…From the first day I was doing cars to today; I am still impressed with the results."
"I’ve been a Manager for over two decades, and New Finish is the best touch-up I’ve ever seen"
"I’ve been in Car Sales for 16 years…New Finish Technology is the best company I’ve seen, they ROCK!"